We Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit that gathers endorsements from across the political spectrum, which contribute to the scoring system. Our filters and transparent scoring formula have been built to help you summarize the opinions of the public organizations you trust, the public figures you trust, and the friends you trust.
The numerical personal score you see next to a candidate or measure is calculated based on the organizations, public figures, friends and values you follow. We have created this animation with more information.
Here is how it works:
1) When you follow an organization or public figure, their support for a candidate adds +1 to that candidate's score. Their opposition subtracts -1 from that candidate's score.
2) When you connect with a friend, their support for a candidate adds +1 to that candidate's score. Their opposition subtracts -1 from that candidate's score.
3) When you follow any of We Vote's 30 Values, the opinions of all of the organizations associated with each value are added or subtracted from that candidate's score. For example, if you follow Climate Change, and there are three organizations that advocate for Climate Change that support one candidate you are looking at, those three organizations will add a total of +3 to that candidate's score. If you are already directly following one of those three organizations, that organization's +1 is only counted once.
So for example, with these filters chosen by you, the score is calculated the following way:
- Follow Organization X, which supports Candidate A. (+1)
- Follow Organization Y, which supports Candidate A. (+1)
- Follow Public Figure Z, who opposes Candidate A. (-1)
- Follow Climate Change. There are three organizations that advocate for solving Climate Change which have endorsed Candidate A. (+3) BUT one of those organizations is Organization X which you are already following directly. Since the "+1" from Organization X has already been added to the score, the other two organizations categorized under Climate Change will be added. (+2)
- You have one friend who opposes Candidate A. (-1)
- So your total personal score for Candidate A would add up to +2 from these numbers:
- +1 (from Organization X)
- +1 (from Organization Y)
- -1 (from Public Figure Z)
- +2 (because you are following Climate Change)
- -1 (from your friend)
Related questions:
- How does We Vote gather endorsements?
- Can I add my organization's endorsements?
- How were the Values within We Vote chosen, and how are organizations assigned to each Value?
- How does We Vote avoid favoring any political party, or any particular ideology?
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